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My Alter Ego... Factual Books



Okay, I confess... as you have probably noticed by now, S. Bradley Stoner is a pen name.  I write fiction using that name.  I have my reasons.  Primary among them is that I also write factual articles and books, as well as scientific papers and presentations associated with my career as an environmental consultant.  I don't want the two to get confused... in my brain or to the readers.  So, I write fact under my own name, Steve McCarter. This all started years ago to keep fiction and fact separated, not to mention that I'm too old to change my habits. If you are interested in seeing my career history, you can go to my LinkedIn profile at You can look at a list of my scientific and factual articles, presentations and papers there too.


I wrote the Guide to the Milwaukee Road in Montana in 1992 for Montana Historical Society.  Writing it was great fun since I got to travel the entire length of the Milwaukee in Montana and visited a lot of out of the way places I might not ordinarily have gotten to see.  The book is out of print, but still available in soft cover from Amazon, although due to its continued popularity, it is a bit pricey now.


More recently, I have been working on a series of books with James Essig, a theoretical physicist who lives in Virginia. These are a bit of a challenge, but also thoroughly enjoyable to work on as a co-author.  The first book we worked on together, The Cosmic Wanderer, was published in 2013 and Cosmic Horizons published in 2014 are being republished  and  will be available in soft cover from Amazon in the near future. The Case for Pandora, the next book in our series also now is available on Amazom (see links below) and a another is on the drawing board.  Check back to see when new volumes become available!  You can visit Jim Essig's web site at:


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